

Details (2008)
Green! Doesn't it look a though all of these little critters could just jump and burst into life? Not really, or maybe so for you mentally deranged folks. I love food and I love green. In other terms, I would probably fall in love with an Irish cook someday. The macro viewer on my camera was actually being competent for once as I was taking this picture - and I have to say, it turned out pretty darn skippy awesome.


A|X_Chino said...

haha. what's up christina. awesome picture. This picture reminds me of the Chinese restaurant my mom owns cuz we always use scallions. Anyway, the focus on the picture is precise. you can see the detail in the scallions so clearly, and the rest of the room is out of focus. They really do just jump out at you. Anyway, great having you in my Photo class. Hope to see you around campus. Make sure you say hi. TTYL

-Peter Yeung

princess mae ;] said...

this picture is comical. i like how totally random the subject is. the precision and detail of the scallions brings out the beauty of it. i also love how the scallion's vibrant color is presented in a comical but flowy way. greeat job =)